In recognition of today’s vernal equinox, I wanted to share a cult classic from the Hosono catalog, originally commissioned in 1983 as background music by Muji shortly after the opening of their first storefront in Tokyo. The tape was packaged in a box set with an 80 page booklet, including photographs, an interview with Hosono, haiku, and work by Nakazawa Shinichi (who I assume made the cover art, though I’m not sure). The story goes that Muji only used one of the tracks for in-store purposes (presumably “Muji Original BGM,” previewed below), and while the tape is still hyper-rare, since then the music has circulated widely online, most famously on YouTube, and has been presented with several different track listings, some including two different versions of “Talking.” I’m including all four tracks here, though the original tape ostensibly only included “Talking” and “Growth.”
Sonically, these tracks are exemplary of Hosono’s brilliance with motif, minimalism, and movement. Those who are familiar with his records Mercuric Dance and Paradise View might find Watering A Flower to sit squarely between the two, both in terms of textural density and mood. The songs are sparse, to put it lightly–bare bones, really. They’re not as neutral, or even chipper, as one might expect for storefront use: they willfully stray into eerie, dissociative territory, suggesting hypnosis and foggy, dreamlike states. Dreamlike in the more honest sense of the word, as I think dreams are often more illogical, dry, and bizarre than the word “dreamlike” gives them credit for. Though the whole tape is beatless–a sacrilegious suggestion for the 2018 retail environment–“Talking” is marked by the insistent chiming of a metronomic tone; whereas in “Growth” the chime is slowed down and flooded with reverb, suggesting underwater sonar. Hosono doesn’t hesitate to lean into dissonance and atonality, and it’s plenty disorienting.
Still, by the time the appropriately drily titled “Muji Original BGM” arrives, Hosono has reminded us that he’s very good at making things that are very beautiful. For sixteen minutes the song cycles, mantric, through small variations on two different phrases, one much moreso than the other, and it’s weightless, unhurried, deeply affecting, and perfect. I’d love to go shopping for minimalist home goods in this world, though I’m not sure that I’d buy anything. Enjoy, and happy spring!
Jen, your writing is so beautiful! I found this on Youtube like a bunch of folks but you’ve really expressed the aura of these songs better than anything else I’ve read. Thank you!
aw, thanks hunter, that means a lot!
Hi there, I just discovered the blog last week in a search for some Satoshi Ashikawa. Wow, mind blown with the selection of sumptuous music here. Thanks Jen for the very fine selections, looking forward to more discoveries.
Absolute perfection. Wasn’t expecting Haruomi Hosono to fit the mood today, but you have a clear knack for what makes me tick. Lovely contrast between the internal (honne) and external (tatemae). Thank you very much!!!
I stumbled onto your site since I rediscovered Hosono on youtube. It has been many years since I last enjoyed Hosono, Popl Vuh, . Time to get back in again Thank you for this awesome site. A great labor of love indeed.
Obrigado pelo excelente texto! Acabei de descobrir a música do Hosono e estou tão impactado (positivamente). Seu texto é tão deliciosamente escrito, expressa perfeitamente a sensação de ouvir o álbum. Vou explorar mais seu blog para descobrir mais músicas assim. Agradeço!
Thanks for the excellent text! I just discovered Hosono’s music and I am so positively impacted. Your text is so deliciously written, it perfectly expresses the feeling of listening to the album. I’ll explore your blog more to discover more songs like this. Thanks!
you rock.